Monday, January 17, 2011

Washed away

I decided to draw chinatown because i grew up with my grandmother, and i could clearly remember just about near 14 years ago chinatown is packed with people. Not that it is no longer packed with people, but the areas with more people are usually the pubs there and the olden shops are no longer patronized by folks. Even though the exterior may look quite similar to how it used to be. The atmosphere just felt really different.

An occasional customer will chance by, and you will realize they are mostly people from the older generation. Trishaws are also lesser seen in chinatown and singapore these days, so i decided to draw 2 trishaw, one with a guy resting on it, probably waiting forever for someone to ride it, and another one already abandoned by the trishaw owner. And i drew a few people in the foreground and no one at around the back area. This is to show as time passes, down the road, we will start seeing less people patronizing the stalls in chinatown.

Question is, how long can the stall vendors sub-stain without anyone patronizing the stalls? and hence how long more will chinatown be 'alive' before it becomes a desolated place, or before it gets refurnished by the government someday, now that more shopping malls are built.

Yeah no doubt the area gets crowded during festive especially during chinese new year. But do you think 10 years down the road, people will still be bothered to celebrate chinese new year and hold events around the area during festive? Do you think people will still go to chinatown to get goods in preparation for Chinese New Year. Or will there even be any stall vendors left in chinatown..?? The crowd and the entire chinatown will then be.. washed away.

Alfred Sng

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