Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cramped Street

Living in urban Singapore where air-conditioned shopping malls are plenty, the first thing i noticed about Arab Street were the shop houses and how narrow the street was. They reminded me strongly of the shophouses i've seen in Malaysia.

There were many shops selling carpets, textile and fabric--many of them beautifully patterned. The shops selling rattan products reminded me of Malaysia again, mainly because i've seen similar shops back in Malaysia, and many of my Malaysian relatives had rattan products at home (My grandma had a rattan rocking chair which was particularly comfortable to sit on).

That was when i suddenly realized how little of these shops there are in Singapore, and how most people think "Ikea" when they think of furniture instead. I guess the era of buying handmade products are already long over (what with the increasing population and commericalization and all).

I hope tradition and the uniqueness of different cultures are still there and well-preserved as time passes.

Name: Wong Yi Qin 092416D
Group: DA 05

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