Monday, January 17, 2011

Rediscovering of the old and new sinapore

Saturday afternoon, I took a trip down to Chinatown. Planning to look for idea to draw, was wondering everyone have been only looking at Chinatown  from the outside but  do they really know how Chinatown really look like? So I decide to explore places that hardly people will go, luckily for me I discover a old traditional street barber shop in one of the back alley. I was abit shock that there still people in Singapore willing to go for the old traditional way just for a shave, haircut or maybe is for the price. The rate of the shop is cheap, is about $2 - $5 only. Sadly I didn’t really have a chance to talk to the uncle because he is busying shaving for one of his customer and plus is raining.
It quite hard to draw that day in Chinatown because of the Chinese new year season and is raining. So I have to move to another alley to find for inspiration.  I end up eating at one for the old coffee shop because of the rain and saw a few old building with very nice detail and color, so I decide to put that few building down in my work, was wondering how did people last time stay in it, is seem to be very small but look cosey maybe that how most of the family starting in the building became so close like family.

After that I took a walk all the way to Boat Quay in the rain, hoping on the way I will see something cool that I can draw it down. But after an hour walk I sat down beside Singapore river looking at the building among the singapore river near boat quay and I was the difference of how the old building is make use now days and how new tall building are build beside it. So I decide to draw it down, to show how Singapore is like with tall and metal building with wood and old building is like went you put both together.
For my drawing above, I wanted to bring out the idea of how many things in Singapore make us who we are. It is like our identity, if stuffs like this are going to be gone in another 10 year time, is like we going to lost our identity. I also use some coffee stain to this drawing to bring out the old Singapore feel, when our late father  love to enjoy their coffee and enjoy the time chit chatting with friend.

John Lim          

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