Monday, January 17, 2011

Skip through threads of history woven with life


It is a place where most of us would associate with the Chinese community and that during New Year's every year, it is the place to go. The place is almost always full of bustling life. People rushing around, stores hawking their merchandise, tourists with cameras in hand snapping away. there is always something happening in Chinatown.

But as compared to the hustle and bustle of life in the past, Chinatown is more toned down and not as flamboyant as before. The hubbub of voices and crowds have dimmed throughout the years as our generation grows out and lean out of the Eastern influence and instead, to the Western influence. I do admit that personally, although I used to visit Chinatown when I was young, nowadays, I hardly even go there anymore. The culture is disappearing with the years, and as we grow older, we slowly stop following old traditions or going to the places we used to go anymore.

I chose to draw Chinatown because I felt that although most of the architecture like the temples, shophouses and coffeeshops would most likely still be there 10 years later, the feeling of "Chinatown" would never be the same again. Within 10 years, many things would change. The Chinatown of 2001 was probably way more fantastic and beautiful than now. Although I find that the little things and experience you can find in Chinatown is extremely interesting and wonderful, not many people may feel the same way as me. The old men sitting near coffeeshops repairing shoes with a cigarette in their mouth, the old ladies gossiping over a cup of coffee with their daily marketing goods, the smell of good food in the air, the touch of the old stone tables and chairs, these are the things that remind me of the old times and old glory of "Chinatown" that is slowly fading away with time.

I hope in time, that it will still remain as rich in culture as the present. That people would still bother to pop in for a walk around Chinatown when New Year blows round the corner. Of how the night scene is such a different feel of a day trek through the streets. I hope that in our ever so busy lifestyle, we could squeeze in a few hours to sit at the wet market, sip a cup of tea, and just to throw your hair back to feel the old man or lady in you rejoice at the rich culture and warmth of the place. Breathe in the smells of history mixed with modern life. Listen to the older generation of people chit chat in dialect. Feel how the stone tables and chairs are like, how the walls and pillars feel from the now-modern concrete walls of malls. Taste the excitement in the air when New Year is just around the corner. Watch how life unfolds in Chinatown. Well, with that few hours that you just spared to visit and have a feel of Chinatown's hubbub of life, it was way better spent than sitting in front of your television set or computer. In 10 years, you never know what would happen. Buildings are only just buildings without the life and culture of the place infused in it.

That's why I believe Chinatown is important to be seen now and not years later where the spirit of the place may not be as active anymore.

Kam Kit Min

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