Monday, January 17, 2011

Merlion City.

Myths, Legends, Origin, Conflict, History and Ideals.

These were the very primal foundations of a backwater malaysian island that will become a blooming and ever-growing metropolis. Singapore remains one of the shining examples in the world that has a country and city to gather cultures, races and tradition into one unified and wholey new, harmonious identity. An identity that shares one creed and one drive in the name of Progress; perhaps indirectly, created an order of peace and humanity that other nations can at least learn from.

The Business District of Singapore is a representation of Singapore's progress and prosperity that would have not come far without the selfless sacrificess of our forefathers. Our forefathers knew that their immortality and dreams will live on through their future generation; and they have to be a symbol of an ideal for us.

One of the backbone foundations of Singapore is that without the interest and settlement of Trades, our beloved country's state would never have come to pass. It is through these trades that Sir Stamford Raffles's Ideal was made manifest; and through the vision of a visionary, Lee Kuan Yew, this country was lifted upward and pushed to new horizons and found independance as a country; no longer was Singapore viewed as a backwater island used for a trading port.

Legends, Myths, Culture and History formed Singapore a face; one multi-faceted and complex, yet simple to recognize. It is a system that grows like a plant and breathes out harmony and takes in what is different and broken, then turn into a whole. The Merlion is our own superman symbol and will of Singapore. The steadfast and noble strive of a Lion and a pristine tail that swims gracefully and seeks the bounty of the far horizon to complete its journey. It is Singapore's very will to be an individual identity and prosper, through trades and alliances of other nations.

Indeed the water and fish tail is one of the most essential reminders of how our country is formed, and the Lion is the remembrance of the forefathers who suffered and strive to shape the destiny of our homeland.

Perhaps, we should remember how Singapore was made, and through this rememberance we cancontinue to build the future.


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