Monday, January 17, 2011

Deconstruction, rebirth; walkway lost in time


Cloaked in a swath of bright colors, Arab street has become a hangout for the young and hip. Beneath the artfully placed graffiti on it's walls, however- it keeps within itself a long history, the only reminder of that being the few shops that sell carpets and the old buildings. "Haji lane" was coined as muslims hoping to make the pilgrimage to Mecca would come here to buy supplies for "Haj", therefore the name. Most of the old shops are gone, replaced by clothes shops and various cafes catering to the younger generation. The sights, sounds and smells truly separate Arab street from the many other cultural places. In the backdrop, a grand mosque stands tall and proud, gleaming even in the orange lights of night.
  One wonders if the place will survive another cycle of deconstruction and rebirth, given the speed at which Singapore develops. 

Teo wei shan

[The piece can be viewed in various ways, and I've taken the liberty of scanning them in one by one.]

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