Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cracks of life

Catchy music, glorious lights, the swishes of clothes moving vibrantly.Just take a walk down Clarke Quay in the evenings, and there you will experience the nights of your lives. People from all over; no matter the age, race, nationality, goes to there to enjoy the night life there. It is practically like a ‘Vegas’ in Singapore.
When you head there, you will be immersed in music, even whilst walking, you will start to jingle. And if you think that it can’t get better, you’re wrong. Just wait until the celebrations start, like the year-end celebrations, the place becomes wild even before it reaches late afternoon. And the whole place turns into a dancing fiesta for all to enjoy. Tourists and locals will head on down there to party the night away.
That’s only the clubbing, you haven’t experience the other joys of Singapore’s heritage. Take a break from the hustle and bustle and let the trishaw bring you around, as you feel the cool breeze on your face, and enjoy the passing sights of others enjoying themselves. Passing along side the Singapore River which used to be port in the olden days to the site where Sir Stamford Raffles first landed in 1819 in finding this prosperous city. And not forgetting our public phones which were accessible to the people, even if one forgets their phones. The conveniences of Singapore, helping her people to be able to live freely without being weight down by the fact that their phones are not with them, providing services to help lighten their burden if one needs to make an urgent call.
But wait, as time goes by, the areas around starts to grow taller, covering our beautiful blue sky. And bicycles and trishaws will become a thing of the past. Even as you read this, public telephones are slowly being disconnected and removed. The floors are cracked with memories from our people who have partied here, enjoying life as it was, without so much technology to change us. And soon, this place as what we used to know as night paradise, will ceased to be.
And that is why I decided to draw a collage on Clarke Quay. Because it is gorgeous place, and full of fading reminders, of a bygone era that everyone had come to love. It is a remarkable place that hold many fond memories for me, and even a place to bring people together. I even remembered going there for a year-end celebration. It was exhilarating. So before this wonderful place of History catches up with the times, you have to at least go there, and enjoy it while it lasts.

Chin Shuenn Hua

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