Monday, January 17, 2011

The Marina Bridge

This is where things get wet for the right reasons. This place means so to Singapore's
survival. Why? It's a place to control floods to alleviate flooding in the low-lying areas
in the city such as Chinatown, Boat Quay, Jalan Besar and Geylang. For without it,
I think Singapore would be drowning by now. Many of us take a lot of things for 
granted and this is one of them. Though it may be just a place for you to walk and 
pass by, you're actually standing on a miracle. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. 
Plus, not only does it help Singapore from flooding, it also provides freshwater supply.
Yes, this is where you get your tap waters, shower waters and etc. 
Unlike other countries, Singapore's water is safe. We should be really thankful and
grateful for this. 
Apart from all these healthy and meaningful stuff, this particular bridge is one of
the places that I go to, to chill. I have a thing for bridges. It gives me peace and 
it clears my head everytime I go there. I decided to draw this place because I think
it's underestimated in a way. It very much caught my attention due to the space and
the long walkway. It definitely is a place to treasure.

Muhammad Nazirul Bin Zailani

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