Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunset years

The rickshaw was a common mode of transportation in Singapore from 1880s-1930s, and a huge source of income for the Chinese immigrants. Nowadays, the rickshaw is still used as a mode of transport, but to a far smaller extent; it is more like an 'experience' for the tourists nowadays.

The karung-guni man is also a pretty common 'feature' in Singapore, though nowadays we see very less of them, probably due to the increase in the number of recycling companies in Singapore who are so-called 'snatching business' from these old uncles. I remember from about 10 years ago (still can't believe it's already so long) that you can hear these uncles every few days shouting in hokkien from the carparks downstairs. People will wave from their windows and the uncle will come up and collect whatever we had to sell them. I used to think they were all very cool for being able to shout so loud. Haha.

2nd one is more to my liking personally, I was kind of relieving the feeling I got from visiting Arab Street years ago in primary school when we had to go for the heritage trails every year for 3 years. The first thing that came into my mind when I saw it, was that the mosque is very majestic. The intricate details are pretty captivating :'D
It was also nice to go exploring Arab Street, they sold many toys that kids nowadays probably won't play. I found marbles and spinning tops! <3 My mom used to play those with my brother and me. I sucked, though. ):

Had my fun walking through these places, I hope they will still be there and maintain their awesome in the future!

Yao ZiJing

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