Friday, January 14, 2011

The feeling of stamp lovers, a visit to the Singapore Philatelic Museum.

NE nation trip to the stamp museum
On 10 December, we went to the “Stamp museum” together as a class. We are supposed to learn about stamp. As all we do is email and digital stuff, we forget the value of thing older generation left behind. For example stamp, in many of its purpose like used for marketing, memoir of life and etc.
Stamp collection, as far as I know stamp value can be weighted in this difference category: time, event, limited edition, design, cost and something I learn in the museum Fakes and Error printing can also make a stamp valuable in time. To my amaze, those fakes and errors are even considered rare stamp.
Through stamp we could see the style and habit of the past and also the history of the country, how past people appreciates letter sending through how they folded the mail or apply creativity onto it, to further convey their feelings.
Design theme of stamp, they show difference art style from other countries and Era and also famous people, places, plant, animal, religious, job, cultural item. We also had a peek on the process of stamp making, from Artwork, colour proof, progressive sheets, Printer Sheet and finally the outcome. And also all sort of tool they used for their letter for example the seal, writing material and artist stamp.
On second floor, tradition art sets of Indonesia are displayed for us to interact with. Singapore older day stuff including old letter stands that we never see on the street again and uniform the postman weared.
 Lee Kok Wei

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