Thursday, January 13, 2011

Marina Barrage Skyline

Title: Marina Barrage Skyline

Marina Barrage, Singapore’s fifteenth reservoir, is a dam built across the mouth of the bay between
Marina East and Marina South.

Not only does it prevent flooding in low lying areas like Chinatown or Geylang or giving us a sustainable water supply, it also allows recreational activities and bonds to be built.

Marina Barrage now serves as one of Singapore’s very own attraction. Not only tourists but locals visit the place frequently too. People can have a picnic on the green grassy plain or fly kites in the clear blue sky. They can do water sports at Marina Basin and could even play in the water displays around Marina Barrage.

But there is one other thing many people comes to Marina Barrage for, and that is to gaze at its beautiful skyline.

Singapore is a small city with limited space, thus majority of its buildings have to be tall skyscrapers reaching for the clouds. Even the roads have to be built above one another. However, Singapore doesn’t neglect its greenery because of the lack of space. What’s more, there is little pollution in the sky.

With a mixture of the bustling work life with the calm and relaxing atmosphere, the scenery is simply amazing. It is as if you are looking at the city built in the skies.

However, in 10 years time, I believe this skyline would change. Buildings may rise even higher and the need for land may result in the depletion of our lush greenery. The sky would in turn change for the worst due to more industrial activities and less trees to replenish the air.

However we may never know, perhaps in 10 years time, this skyline may be even more breathtaking then before.


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