Friday, January 14, 2011

ChinaTown ; Singapore

Title: Chinatown ; Singapore

Considering that the largest ethnic group in the country is seen to be the Chinese, Singapore's "Chinatown" has lost much of its flare in the recent years. Land previously part of Chinatown had been bulldozed to make way for the new, forcing the Government to declare several key sites as heritage location, under "Conservation".

Many of its shops, though, still retain heavy influence , or are parts of, the Chinatown 50 to 60 years ago. Although, there seem to have been now a mix of the way things are sold. Instead of having goods in the store like an ordinary shop, the items are moved to the outside corridors, with the shops containing very little but the shopkeeper, Even though not all the stores there follow this method, it is still quite apparent today. Every now and then, A trishaw would pass by, ringing its bell. Having rode in one before, i can honestly tell you, i'd still rather get in a car. I do however, respect the men who sweat their hearts out to get a day's living. Some trishaws do cost more than taxis mind you.

There were several houses in which the streets were almost completely empty. It seems, according to my father that several gang fights still do occasionally break out in these alleys. These fights however do not escalate to the level of the recent cases. Attention is not their main aim, plus according to the newspaper, no one dies ; yet.

Pagoda Street, which houses the magnificent temple, has a statue of a fighting man at its front porch. I am unsure if its purpose is somewhat the same as the Lions ; Guardians, but i have seen it is Japan as well.

If anybody decides to visit Chinatown, one can still find slightly fading traces of Singapore's Chinese Heritage, that have luckily been preserved. It is still an interesting place to enjoy and find good deals.


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