Sunday, January 16, 2011

they might not be there later

The title of this drawing is – ‘they might not be there later’
The reason being is, these trades and job are dying as the days pass and you can hardly see them on the street now a days.
As for the trishaw man, you can only see them in Chinatown and little India today and they are only a handful of them you still ride them as a tourist attraction. I feel that they might not be there later because I feel that people rather walk around to look at the areas then take the trishaw.
I can hardly see Ice Cream sellers on there motorcycle around the neighbourhood selling their handmade ice cream to little kids. These days, I only hear of offers at 7-eleven and see parents buying them in bulk for their kids. And when the buying stop, the making and selling stops too. I would definitely miss it.
I personally prefer street cobblers mending my sandals and heels. I feel that their jobs last longer and they do it with so much of pride and integrity. Not that cobblers who use modern methods to mend our foot wears aren’t good or they work without pride or aren’t professional. I would still prefer the old uncles mending my shoes.
With so much of modern technology around us, a lot of things that people do for a meal on the table is now being affected and soon these trades will be gone and might not be recognized. 


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