Friday, January 14, 2011

Marina Water Garage?

Marina Barrage is the fifteenth reservoir, not only does it provides water supply, it is designed to keep prevent flood and a lifestyle of new attraction too!

Reservoir has always been an important facilities in singapore to provide people in the country with adequate amount of water. For now, all the reservoir around singapore only provides 50% of
the overall water usage in singapore, and the other 50% are imported from Malaysia. Malaysia has always been a reliable provider of water to Singapore, but Malaysia has often used threats of cutting off the water supply to pressure Singapore politically. Seeking greater political independence and freedom from such pressures, Singapore has pursued a costly strategy of developing self-sufficiency of water sources.

Singapore have now been planning to to construct a 2nd and larger desalination plant in 2013. By the expiry of the 1962 water agreement in 2061, the necessity for Malaysia water import should be eliminated. Therefore, Singapore have to seek alternative to provide adequte amount of water to the citizens.

Marina Barrage has a gallery facts of process of water treatment and also it brings the awareness of water shortage in singapore in independent circumstances.

Since singapore is soon running out of space , building are encouraged to be constructed 'upwards', perhaps, one day you may not know that this beautiful view under the ceiling of marina barrage may end up turning into the basement of a water 'garage'.

Ng Yong Hui

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