Monday, January 17, 2011

City Hall & Former Supreme Court.

It is a place which demands strict discipline and order. Through the passage of time, it has witnessed the many events which forms the Singapore we know today. It remembers the footsteps of great personages and alleged criminals echoing through its halls. Yes, the former Supreme Court. Although older than most of our ages put together, nevertheless it has not lost any of its splendour despite being built all the way back in 1937. It was finally declared open in 1939 , laid with the biggest foundation stone back in Malaya at the time. Did you know that underneath lays a time capsule made from brass?  6 Singapore newspapers and Straits Settlement coins from that period of time, slumbers under the stone . Too bad we wouldn’t be around to see it opened though. It’s due to be open in the year 3000 , approximately some 900 years later? I used to remember passing by the building whenever my dad drove around the area. It looks especially grand at night, with all the lights beaming from below . It has always left a deep impression on me, and I used to wonder how many important decisions and court cases concerning our country would take place inside the building. The new Supreme Court is built just a stone’s throw away from the former one . Though it looks more advanced and high tech , it just can’t compare to the rustic  look of granite and the feel of nostalgia. In time to come, the former Supreme Court will be transformed into our future National Art Gallery ,  home to  the largest visual art venues in our country.

Lee Yin Qiao

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