Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Ordinary Extraordinary

In my sketch is the link bridge from Swissôtel Merchant Court to Clarke quay. I’ve seen this bridge many times when I go to Clarke Quay. I’ve even walked on it and enjoyed the view and breeze there, but I never ever knew it had a name. I was surprised when I went to find details regarding Clarke Quay, and found that this bridge has a real interesting name – Read Bridge. Why read bridge? It’s actually named after William Henry Macleod Read, who was in years 1841 – 1887, a prominent resident in Singapore.

The bridge was constructed in 1881 and done in 1889. This bridge wasn’t only know as ‘Read bridge’ but was called different names by different people. The locals called it the ‘Malacca Bridge’, the Hokkiens called it the kam kong ma lah kah kio (Kampong Malacca Bridge), and it was also known as ‘Green bridge’ due to its colour at that point of time. It’s just ONE BRIDGE, but with SO MANY names!

Read Bridge holds quite a lot of Singapore’s memories. For instance, there were labourers and tongkang rowers who would crowd to listen to Teochews telling stories last time. Also, the southern side of the bridge had shops that sold firewood, which was transported by boats from Indonesia. Tongkangs would unload the firewood at this area at this jetty, known as cha chun tau. There were 2 Teochew opera threatres there for entertainment too.

The current bridge doesn’t have the hustle and bustle anymore. Well, maybe during those special functions they set up there sometimes, but usually it feels so big and empty. That’s why I thought it was an ordinary man-made no-meaning-bridge. I was wrong and I’m glad I know about it, because its existence has a meaning. I think a lot of people don’t know about Read bridge's past that’s why I decide to write about it. It’s also because I find that this mundane, lifeless bridge can be so extraordinary at night!

I don't know if it'll be still there after 10 years, but it may change, because over the years, it has been modified many times.

Lee Hui Xian Janel

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