Saturday, January 15, 2011

The destiny of handicraft in minitype

I learned some of knowledge of the types of industries in my high school. And following is what I understand of the industry.

In the early 20th century, because of unstable of the economy and  the society. The handicraft  began developing and expanding. The handicraft actually belongs to the lavour-intensive industry. If someone had learned it before will know, one of the conditions is cheap labor. The development of society during that time created a very good environment for handicraft. And lacking enough enlightenment or knowledge or culture. It also promoted the development of handicraft.
But now, in the early 21st century  Singapore is one of the developed countries. The types of industries in Singapore more belong to capital intensive industry and knowledge concentrated industry. The development of the information technology and the knowledge of people, speeds up the development of industry. 

I’m not balking about the culture of Little India, but handicraft of Little India. I think because of the development of the technology. The handicraft in minitype in Little India, will die away.

                      Luo Xiaoxiao

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