Friday, January 14, 2011

a Mini Convenience Store.

Title: a Mini Convenience Store.
Just a tiny Mama shop at the corner of a building in Arab street, something you might not notice or pay much attention to, unless you need a drink from the hot climate in Singapore or other things you might want to get on your way.
Traditionally, the Mama shops are owned and operated by Indians. Mama shops are not air-conditioned, and sell a maximum of varieties within their limited area. The earliest Mama shops where started by Indian immigrants who where traders or businessmen in the early 20th century. In the early days Mama shops mainly served villagers, which most of the shopkeepers where shop owners of their own shop and service where mostly through friendly and personal basis, so customers were granted unlimited credits, like bargains and delivery, through this shopkeepers became familiar with customers from other races and build a strong bond.
 In the 1960s many mama shops where relocated to void decks in HDB as villages underwent a major resettlement. They now cater for children who would stop at the stores after school to buy inexpensive sweets, sneaks or drinks. While others would occasionally buys things from there, or buy things for last minute preparation. Although back in the days they are run by Indian now they’re run by any race, while their way of keeping their business never changes.
Also with the passing of time and increasing competition from air-conditioned mini-marts and chain stores and also increasing prices and rental, many mama shops has closed and is replaced by other convenience store.

Name: Mazeline Chiang
Group: DA0902
Admin No.: 095061D

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