Monday, January 17, 2011

The Invasions of 7 Elevens

The Invasions of 7 Eleven stores

Soon mama stores are going to be over thrown by shops like 7 eleven, cheers and baby clinics(which was what happened to the one under my block). So I decided to draw a picture of this mama store just in case I won't be seeing any more mama stores out there in the future. The thing about mama shops is that it is a very wonderful place. It has almost everything and anything you need such as bangdung, detergents, dishwasher, ice cream, crackers, rice and much much more, and it's cheap too. And there is always more variety of ice creams there compared to the normal convenience stores which only holds the common expensive brands with very little variety. And I used to go to the one under my block when i was in primary school to buy crackers, sweets, chocolates, ice creams and to tikam from the gatchapon machine to get fake tamagotchis. But now that it is replaced by a baby clinic it has made the place quieter.

Chen Siqin

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