Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Long Lost Memories

This is where i would usually come with my parents every single year sine i was very young till around primary 03. this is the place which makes me have the most Chinese new year feel every single year.
With the bright flashing red and gold decorations, familiar music and lyrics which you will mumble long the way and not to forget the waves and waves and waves of uncles and aunties trying to squeeze their way though like they are running for their life.
This is all i could remember. maybe due to the cword i stop going there every Chinese New Year.
When i went back to this very stretch of street, i can imagine all the crowds and awesome foods and how happening it would be when the the special day is drawing closer. Lucky  i went in the early afternoon and it is still quite empty. Many stores were still setting up their booth only a few has already started selling the delicious food/snacks which we all enjoy could everytime we visit our relative's house.

Wish that this place and the festives that happen here every year will never ever disappear.
This is where all Chinese and some who are into Chinese culture hangs out and celebrate this special day which belongs to us. If this place is gone, celebration of Chinese New Year in Singapor will never ever be the same again

Lim Zhong Ping

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