Sunday, January 16, 2011

Carpets and the Future.

So what's the connection between the two? (read title)

Arab street, popular tourist attraction as it is; is something that would not disappear in merely ten years. Better yet, it would continue to flourish and serve as part of the many cultures and heritage that Singapore has. Whether it is for reminiscence or monetary's sake.

However, as the current us advance forward to the future, we walk on the paths and pavements created by our ancestors; never stepping foot on grass or feel the stench of mud on our soles. Therefore; we do not know hardship; nor have as much dedication as compared to our forefathers. The carpets of arab street; beautiful and fine as they are, yet how many people with the knowledge are left to create them? Better yet; how many of them are willing to? Passing down the knowledge is one thing; having the dedication, is another. With the current generation so focused and reliant on what the past has offered; We can't bear to endure the same hardship and tediousness that our forefathers had to go through when creating a single carpet. For we have grown so used to our easy and convenient lifestyle that lesser and lesser of us have the will to make it. A similar but more "close to life" analogy would be the job of a cleaner. As people become more accustomed to their educated and rich lifestyles; lesser youngsters would even learn to do simple daily chores like sweeping the floor by the age of 18. Ten years from now; there would probably be even lesser people who would take on the job of a cleaner; the old retiring by then; the young preferring more yielding and or convenient job alternatives. Back to the carpets; ten years from now. How many of the descendants of these carpet makers would choose to continue the line; tedious as it is; and with better job prospects within reach?

So I wonder, how many of these beautiful carpets would be left, ten years later in the future; Due to lack of dedication and laziness. But alas, the fate of the carpets are nothing but an analogy to the future of many other things.

Lee Liang Yi

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