Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ever-Changing Clarke Quay

When I was young, I read in my history book that, Singapore was a place where traders would like to make their stop here to trade and also to refill their whatever needs that they need for travel. Back then, I always wondered, where exactly is the port in Singapore that attracts so many traders? I remember, when I first read that history book, it was already in the year of 2000. I couldn't have the chance to see it anymore. Our famous port in Singapore, Clarke Quay has already developed into a tourist attraction like what we see today.

When I went to research for Clarke Quay. I found out that, Clarke Quay was first named by Sir Andrew Clarke, a government of Singapore in 1896! Which also means that, it is already more than 100 years old!! 

Clarke Quay is a place in Singapore that undergo many times of development. It has first transformed from, long long time ago, a Quay just beside the Singapore River where nobody stays there nor use it. In 1816, Clarke Quay was found as a great place for trades and it has became the centre of trade for Singapore, that people would transport their goods thru boats to Singapore. This has lasted for more than a century. Until in around 1960-1980. Singapore Government has decided that they would like to shift the port to Pasir Panjang (Which is still the current one). During then, Clarke Quay has been deserted and left with it's old and worn buildings around. In 1977-1987, Singapore Government then clean up the environment of the Singapore River and trying to maintain some of the old buildings there. And in 1993, Clarke Quay has once again gained it's popularity by transforming itself to Clarke Quay Festival Village. It is now continuing to develop and as we can see today, it has various restaurants and nightclubs, the G-MAX reverse bungee and Central shopping can also be found there. It has become a tourist attraction and google even says that, "resembling more like a Disneyland partyground for tourists and middle class locals alike." I guess we just never know what will happen next? Maybe we would really have a Disneyland in Clarke Quay in the next 5-10 years time? I mean, think about it, it would be cool right?

Lastly, I would like to end off with something we can take away from this "history class", and that is,
"The only constant is change" - Heraclitus

Fan KaiYang

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