Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chinatown, Yours Truly

Chinatown is the most well-known for its chinese heritage we managed to retain after all these years.
Unfortunately, there were some changes along the years.
Places that may create social hazards and voilence in the future have been removed. (e.g the opium dens, brothels and gambling dens). Some older chinese shops which sold chinese medicine, coffins, cloth, funeral accessories,  have moved off elsewhere since its not as popular anymore. The remaining shops have been relocated. But nevertheless, they were replaced with souvenir shops and shops like macdonalds and OG so chinatown would look as vibrant and lively. However, if you are lucky, you may still be able to stumble upon older shops that stood strong throughout these years. They could be easily recognised by their intricate designs, disorganised musty interior, packed with stuff that looks like they were from dinosaur age.

Well,  there will always be an image of the older days in chinatown for all to see and remember, in the Chinatown heritage centre. The older shops and rickshaw pullers  that manage to stay where they are can still stay of course, as long as they could afford to stay.

Name: Leow Rui Yu Tammy
Group Da0904
Admin: 093422A

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